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Sunday, March 10, 2013

Video: When I Grow Up

"Life is an adventure filled with amazing possibilities." - Colin Hesterly 

This video is definitely something to admire. Watching it makes me relish on my past and present dreams. It makes me remember all those insane adventures my kid-self dreamed and imagined going on.

This cute production makes you automatically have a blast from the past, whether you are a kid or a teen or an adult. It makes you smile when you think about those silly but amazing adventures your imagination once lead you.

I love how the creator went in depth into the little boy's adventures and dreams. The typical dream is to be a cowboy, be an astronaut, or be a firefighter. The creator went above and beyond that too; but I think he realistically presented a little boy's perspective on his dreams in life. He can be an explorer, an underwater adventurer  a brave warrior, travel with the circus and even more!

The creator leaves a strong message for his viewers. Have courage, be open to the world and its mysteries, keep persevering no matter what, and let go of fear. It is not crazy to shoot for what you want, if your heart wants it and believes you can do it; nothing can possibly stop you. "Not matter where life takes you, good stories are sure to follow. So chase down those dreams and take hold. Because a story that lives is a story that's told." Do not be afraid to create a story for yourself, be creative and fearless and come back with an amazing story that you can tell for years on end.

Life is full of possibilities; you should not limit your life and make sure to have an adventure every once in a while. Some of us need a reminder everyday to chase the dreams that we want. Even if it is a non-reasonable dream, some point in your life you wanted it. So do not be afraid to go for what you want, you never know where life's adventure will take you next.

Writing Prompt: A Generation of Idiots

Dear Albert Einstein,

You would be so disappointed with our society today. Unfortunately, what you feared came true: technology has surpassed our human interaction; our world has been filled up with idiots and oblivious people.

There are pictures, attached above, that prove your greatest fear. Instead of interacting with our friends while having coffee, we all stare at our phones and text other people. Instead of playing volleyball or surfing at the beautiful sunny beach, we again stare at our devices to suffice for entertainment. Instead of eating during dinner or interacting while out on a date, we YET AGAIN place all of our attention on our small, little technological robots. 
It is not necessary to have our worlds revolving around every little piece of technology for little things. What has the world come to? 

Day by day at least one individual is loosing him or herself to technology. It is essentially like a vacuum, it sucks up our time, our attention, and now our minds. There is not one time where I don't see someone texting on their phone, not one time I don't hear an excuse for homework that involves technology failing. 

What's even better is that everyday there's always something new.

What's the technological world going to come up with next? One never knows. But, they do have their sneaky ways of getting you to buy their new, shiny products just to replace your perfectly, fine old one. How much does one spend on electronics? Studies show that the average family spends at least $100 per month on electronics. That fact is crazy on its own. 

I can not deny that I love technology, I mean I use it basically every single day. But I would hope that I could  survive without technology if I had to. As much as I love my laptop, my cellphone and my TV, those things can not compare with the love I have for my friends and family. I would rather be dependent on the simple things than the electronics at my fingertips. 

I just thought I would share my thoughts with you Mr. Einstein. It is sad to think that you, one of the world's smartest people, feared something and now that something came true. Maybe in future years things will change. However, that change being better or worse is the big question. 
